Why should I use a REALTOR?
Buyers depend on good information and advice to help make a wise investment. REALTORS have data from the MLS to help support the purchase price and will oversee the transaction to make sure the ownership is properly transferred, lending is obtained and all tasks are completed.
How do I know what I can afford to buy?
Before we begin the process of searching for a home, it is best to meet with a loan officer to determine the purchase price and monthly payments. A qualified lender will calculate your income and debt to determine what price range you should consider, and not consider if it’s not affordable!
When can I start looking at houses?
Choice Realty & Management prefers to meet with prospective buyers for a Buyer Consultation prior to looking at houses. This takes about 30 minutes and allows the REALTOR and Buyer to get to know one another, discuss the process and talk about expectations and goals. Once this is covered, we can then begin our search!
What is the process of buying a house?
After meeting with a lender to get pre-approved, it is time to meet with the REALTOR. It is important to work with only ONE agent so that a relationship can be built and the agent can meet your needs effectively. Once these steps have been done, home buying search begins. We recommend looking at no more than 2 to 5 houses during one tour otherwise it can get overwhelming. You should review the purchase agreement before making a decision so you are better prepared when you are ready to buy. After an accepted offer, lending is in process, title work is prepared and the closing can occur normally 3 to 5 weeks later. The closing takes about one hour and buyer is provided with a copy of the closing documents, appraisal and title insurance.
Do I need to do a home inspection?
An inspection is not required but it is highly recommended. Whether you are buying a brand new home or a 100-year old house, spending a few hundred dollars to learn the condition of the property is a very wise investment. You may learn that your purchase is not a good decision or you may learn about a minor punch list of items that need to be done for better home maintenance. Remember, no home is perfect and there is always work to do! That’s just a typical part of Home Ownership!