It’s almost Spring! It’s time for fresh air, house cleaning and decluttering. Did you know that clutter in the home can cause stress and anxiety, poor sleep and depression? Have you ever really stopped to notice how you feel when you walk into a tidy home versus a cluttered one? Once you’re aware of it, you’ll quickly feel your mind and body react!
Spring cleaning can be overwhelming when you think of all the chores that need to be completed but if you tackle it one room at a time over a month, it will be manageable. You’ll quickly see progress which will provide motivation and will naturally make you feel happier.
Along with Spring cleaning, it’s a good time to declutter the house. Do you have duplicate items piled up in cabinets? Do you have old clothes that no longer fit but you can shoving them aside to make room for more items? You may not realize it but all of that clutter can cause a mental burden. An organized bedroom creates peace whereas a cluttered bedroom creates chaos which can affect falling asleep and getting quality sleep throughout the night.
Even a cluttered desk can cause one to be unproductive and procrastinate with work. Research shows that clutter can have an effect on our brains. Our brains like structure and order so clutter can cause a lack of focus.
So, here are some suggestions for your spare time in March….
- clean out kitchen drawers and cabinets; donate duplicated items
- clean out linen closets and bathroom medicine cabinet
- organize the garage
- clean out the clothes closets and donate items that you don’t like or no longer fit
- declutter the bedroom, get rid of knick knacks and put everything away daily