It’s a hard topic, right? But, we all die. Sadly, we see over and over again how many people do not prepare for it. Owning a home and having assets create a lot of responsibility for loved ones after someone passes away. You’ve heard how families will feud over personal belongings or how a property has to be cleaned out before it can be sold. Although the timing of our death is usually unknown, the are tasks that people can handle to help others when you’re gone.
As we age, we tend to start de-cluttering. We spend the first half of our lives accumulating only to realize in the second half that we really don’t want stuff. Getting rid of items or at least identifying who might receive the items when you’re gone can be so helpful. Estate planning is so important. Do you have a Will? Does your loved ones know how to access your financials or find important papers if something happens to you? Gathering and keeping the information in one secure place can relieve a lot of stress and hopefully avoid conflict with those who are left to handle your business.
Take a weekend, sooner than later, to do these tasks and make sure to share information with a designated person. It’s one of the best gifts you can give when you’re gone.